
Posts Tagged ‘American Apparel’

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American Apparel Bodysuit

Happy Monday!  Here is an outfit that I wore this weekend while shooting a personal friend for my portfolio.  I have to make this quick because it’s 1:01 AM an I still need to fall asleep in an attempt to be on time to work at 7AM.

Adidas Pink Black Hightop

|Top:  American Apparel Body Suit| Shorts & Earrings: Strut| Shoes: Adidas from Ross|


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American, Express

American Apparel Bodysuit Express Skinny Jeans (1 of 4)

While running around yesterday I decided that putting on an easy outfit would do some justice so I opted to wear my American Apparel bodysuit (again) that I picked up this week and my Express jeans that I also picked up during their semiannual sale. I paired it off with my Nikes that I picked up from Ross some time back. I haven’t worn the necklace pictured in three years so I thought this would be a good debut. It’s such a strong piece for such a simple outfit.

American Apparel Bodysuit Express Skinny Jeans (2 of 4) American Apparel Bodysuit Express Skinny Jeans (3 of 4)

|Top: Bodysuit from American Apparel| Jeans: Express| Shoes: Nike via Ross| Necklace: I forgot| Earrings: Guess|

I hope your weekend is going well!


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Working It!

White Pencil Black Roses Express White American Apparel Body Suit (4 of 4)

I figured since I have a more normal job I can dress normal. By normal I mean not in a blue button up shirt, jeans, and steel toed boots. Now I can dress girly. I now work back in the IT sector. As you can imagine there are about 30 men to every woman in the area that I work in. At first I didn’t want to dress up “Korin style” because I didn’t want attention on me. However, I feel like my work and creativity are lacking and that’s because I’m not being true to who I am. I’m not dressing up because I don’t want attention on me. First, I’m only ONE of two black women there. Second, I’m one of youngest people there. Third, I’m taller than most of the men. However, I can’t change who I am as a person because it does affect me in all aspects of my life. Really its affected my work too. So I have decided that I will dress like the person I am.

I have to say that I LOVE American Apparel. I actually bought the bodysuit yesterday because I needed something to wear the skirt. Since I bought the skirt without trying it on I didn’t know how it was going to fit against my body. So I didn’t have to worry about skin showing I opted to get buy a bodysuit. American Apparel is the only place I know that sells them so I made a trip to Mockingbird Station and picked it up.

I must say that I LOVE that American Apparel is made and sold in the USA. I purchased and black and white bodysuit for $28 each. Yes, that is kind of expensive but the bodysuits are of great quality and I will pay extra to know that my clothes were not made in China.

I’m really TRYING to buy more American made clothing.

White Pencil Black Roses Express White American Apparel Body Suit (1 of 4) White Pencil Black Roses Express White American Apparel Body Suit (2 of 4) White Pencil Black Roses Express White American Apparel Body Suit (3 of 4)


|Top: Bodysuit American Apparel| Skirt: Express| Shoes: Ross| Earrings: Strut| Necklace: MetroPark|

Do you guys care where your clothes are made?


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Make Custom Shirts with American Apparel!

I like American Apparel. I like it because it’s an American based fashion company that hasn’t outsourced it’s facility or work to another country because of cheaper labor.  You can say that American Apparel is the Levi’s of this generation.

American Apparel has deemed itself the t-shirt of SxSW!  This year AA is offering to print custom tees for people on-site! How awesome is that?!  So basically if you can dream and design it, they print it!  Check out the AA booth at SxSW this year!  If you have a custom made shirt printed please email your pictures to UrbanJungleFashion@gmail.com


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Man, it’s HOTout there!

So guys I have been super busy with my own work, and last night I just wanted to lay into it (editing more of my photo shoots), but I chilled with my girls last nights. I had fun because one of my friends let me style her. She really enjoys my street style so I went into her closet to see what worked and what didn’t.

Her personal style is… when she finds a look she likes she just sticks to the same look over and over again. What I mean by that is she will wear the same exact shirt with the same exact pants. She doesn’t switch the shirt up with different pants, or the pants with a different shirt. Ladies, in order to have fun with your clothes you have to learn how to mix them up. When I personally go shopping I don’t go to buy a whole new outfit. I go to shopping to match what’s ALREADY in my closet. You have to learn what you have already and work from that.

She also wanted me to help her because she feels as though she doesn’t have a lot of summer western clothes (I’m in Texas and it’s above 100 right now on the daily). My friend is from India and she herself has a lot of beautiful colorful clothes that already look good. So I told her she needed to get some of the basics to vamp up her wardrobe:

  1. A white short sleeve button up shirt~ Express makes the best buttons up
  2. A white body suit ~ American Apparel
  3. Basic brown wedges ~ Baker’s Shoes has the most stylist
  4. Statement Necklace ~ Amrita Singh makes the BEST statement necklaces out there!
  5. White Linen Pants ~ Nordstom (see below)

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Too Bad they are so EXPENSIVE….

Lock this under Wish List

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October 2010 Haul!!!

American Apparel Tube Socks (X2) $15 = $30

Silence + Noise Grey Jeans @ Urban Outfitters: $5

BDG Navy Blue Romper @ Urban Outfitters: $5

Paprika Rose Gold Buckle Peep @ Strut -Toes: $13

Black Scarf @ Papaya: $7

Black Bomber Jacket @ Papaya: $25

Layla boots @ Baker’s Shoes: $80

Crocodile Wrap Ring @ Forever21: $6

Gold Rhinestone Bracelet @ Forever21: $6

White Racerback @ Papaya:  $3.50

Total $180.50

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